Friday, 21 June 2019

Precision Agriculture Services

Precision farming is an aggregate exertion between different IT frameworks, an information unearthing, ongoing investigation giving, self-rulingly determined power rejuvenating old seed-to-deal forms. We're joining innovations like UAVs, soil mapping, remote detecting, and GPS combinations to produce an exchange between them, a discussion we can take advantage of and translate to more readily address the four w's—when, where, why, and what.

Precision Agriculture works by layering in exact data from numerous sources so you know precisely what to accomplish for some random spot in the field and can make a move.

We have made remarkable advancements in agricultural technology. Visit us to collect more information about Precision Agriculture Services

Tuesday, 4 June 2019

Digital Technologies in Agriculture

The adoption of digital technologies in agriculture is increasing rapidly. In fact, the adoption of digital technologies in every industry has been increasing. The reason behind this trend is that digital technologies bring tremendous value to businesses and individuals. In the agricultural industry, there are many digital technologies that fall under the category of "micro-agriculture". Fine farming techniques change the way farmers manage their crops and are adopted at an increasing rate.

Precision farming technology potential benefits-

Now we can see that this technology is highly dependent and will continue to be adopted by farmers, we can explore some of the benefits that come with precision farming technology. The key value brought by micro-agricultural technology includes:

  • Efficiency in the use of resources such as chemicals, fertilizers, water, fuels and others
  • Improve the quantity and quality of products
  •  High yield in the same amount of land
  • Reduce the environmental footprint
  • Risk mitigation

Sunday, 2 June 2019

Reliable Irrigation Filters In India

Disc filters

Water is not found in its purest form in nature. It is always contaminated with physical, chemical and biological impurities. Proper filtration is important to prevent clogging of low-pressure diffuses such as an etcher. Our extensive water purifier acts like a watchdog to protect your system from the risk of being clogged if it becomes clogged.

 The sand separator provides a media filter that removes silt and sand from water, removes organic impurities such as algae, trash, and leaves from water, and a variety of screen filters to remove physical impurities from water. Reliable performance Maximum irrigation filtration efficiency and minimal maintenance are some of the common features of filters.

Filters have various specifications and functions. It is designed to solve all the problems you are dealing with from harsh water conditions to corrosion and ultraviolet rays. Scroll down to fully explore the range.

Read more at Netafim India 

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PORTABLE, LEAK-FREE MAIN AND SUBMAIN PIPES  Its weight is less than half that of other pipes, you can order it with a pre-welded outlet cust...